- About Us
Mercy Ethos
Mercy Tradition and Ethos
"Let us rejoice when good is done, no matter by whom it is accomplished"
Mercy Ethos
Thornhill College is a school rooted in the Mercy values of service, promotion of self-esteem and the pursuit of excellence for all the young women who make up the student body. Education is approached in a holistic way so that students are encouraged to develop and nurture all the qualities and skills that will enable them to become independent, mature and sensitive adults, at ease with themselves and aware of the needs of others.
Catherine McCauley's words of encouragement are as appropriate in the 21st century as they were in the 19th century. "Let us rejoice when good is done, no matter by whom it is accomplished". This sentence encapsulates the positive approach which is promoted throughout the entire community at Thornhill College. We strive in the words of Catherine McCauley, founder of the Sisters of Mercy, "To fit young women for Earth without unfitting them for Heaven".